Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Girivalam Circumambulation Tips

Normally people start before the dawn or after the sunfall. Because Thiruvannamalai is a rocky place the day time may not be suitable because of hot sun and dry humidity whether.

As per the custom, full day fasting is required before the circling. People have food only after completing the walk around the mountain.

Walking around the hill is a kind of walking meditation where you suppose to concentrate on your steps and repeat your preffered mantra. You hear many different slogans and chanting like arunachala arunachala, annamalaikku arohara, siva siva, muruga muruga, ramanana, Krishna Krishna yogi ramsuratkumara, yesuvey yesuvey, jesus Christ and buddham saranam kachaami etc. Walking around the hill is kind of walking meditation where you supposed concentrate your steps and chanting your preferred mantra. As per my guru Yogi ramsuratkumar, which ever mantra you like to chant which ever god you like to pray , whomever you want to follow as a guru it doesn’t matter. What count is remembering god and being spiritual.

It is good to keep a bottle of distilled water and a packet of glucose due to low sugar because of fasting. Some people serve free water, milk, juice in the girivalam path. You may try if you want. But the important thing to remember is that you should not break the fasting until circling the mountain.

Keep sufficient of 1 rupee coin as well as 50 paise coin so that you may share with those who are in need. By doing this you are actually helping your karma to restrain its previous sins.

14 km of walking around the Arunachala mountain is a must with bare foot without shoes. Occasionally you may be pinched by small pebbles or others may step on your toe giving you the acupuncture effect, so you will enjoy walking. On the month of Karthigai millions of people will be dashing. There will be enormous crowd. It is better in crowd, but walk carefully.

The most notable thing in the girivalam is the people who are walking along with you. The people from Europe, America, Africa and Asia will be walking along with you for a strange reason and seeking. The reason why they choose to walk with you on that specific day is because both of your’s karma has some kind of contact that connection pulled each of you to cross again. Nice but that’s what spiritual seekers says. So be gentle in case when someone step on your toe while walking.

for more information click here tiruvannamalai temple